laser Skin treatments
Clarity Laser
Clarity™ from Lutronic is fast, effective and safe for all skin types. One past limitation of laser hair removal was there were no lasers safe for dark skin. Older technology used only one laser wavelength, which meant the laser could easily affect skin cells surrounding hair follicles, risking skin discoloration. Clarity solves this problem by combining two wavelengths: a long-pulsed 755nm Alexandrite and a 1064nm Nd:YAG (which is considerably safer for dark skin).
The long pulsed 755 nm Alexandrite and 1064 nm Nd:YAG in one easy-to-use device that will gently remove pigmented lesions, unwanted hair, wrinkle reduction, and ameliorate the appearance of vascular lesions.
Skin Treatments and Rejuvenation
Laser skin treatment is an efficient way to rejuvenate the skin and reduce the effects of aging, sun damage other skin conditions. It can improve the texture and overall appearance of your skin. Clarity laser treatment consists of removing the outer layers of skin which will stimulate the production of collagen resulting in newer, healthier and smoother, younger healthier-looking skin. This later can address multiple skin concerns such as:
- Pigmented lesions(Melasma & hyperpigmentation)
- Superficial wrinkle reduction
- Rosacea
- Skin tightening
- Hemangiomas
- Leg Veins
- Warts
- Telangiectasias(dilated blood vessels)

Skin rejuvenation with Clarity™ laser gives a younger, glowing look to your skin. It simultaneously treats the three main elements of sun-damaged, environmentally-polluted and aging skin by coagulating blood vessels, eliminating pigmented spots and improving skin texture. Skin rejuvenation treatments are suitable for the face, neck, chest and hands. All laser rejevemation treatments are performed at the clinic by a trained professional (physician, nurse or aesthetitcian).
Most patients are great candidates for our laser resurfacing and rejuvenation treatments. It can benefit women and men with a range of concerns about the condition of their skin including:
- Age spots
- Uneven skin tone or texture(enlarged pores, dull complexion)
- Fine Wrinkles
- Sun-damaged skin
- Mild to moderate acne scars
- Leathery, sun-damaged skin
- Blotchy, brown
- Certain types of precancerous skin growths
- Some skin conditions such as Psoriasis and Scleroderma
- Active skin infection
- Darker skin tones (Fitzpatrick 4-6)- increased risk of post procedure discoloration
- A history of Keloid scars
IS THERE DOWNTIME TO LASER SKIN TREATMENTS? Bruising can occur, particularly in someone with large dilated vessels, on blood thinners or aspirin. As with any laser, changes in pigmentation unwanted darkening or lightening), burns, and scarring are possible though rare. Immediately after laser skin resurfacing, the skin may be sensitive, irritated and sore. This can last several days. However, as new skin grows, it looks firmer, plumper and smoother.
- Stop taking certain over-the- counter medications, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, 10 days before treatment to reduce the risk of bleeding.
- If you smoke it’s requested that you stop for 2 weeks prior to your appointment. If this is not possible do the best you can.
- No makeup/lotion/deodorant on treatment area the day of your appointment.
- Stay out of direct sunlight for at least 3 days prior to and 3 days after your appointment..
- Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages 24 hours before your treatment
Important notes: laser services cannot be performed on women who are pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive.
Price per session for the most common laser skin treatments. Please contact us on pricing if your desired area isn't listed below.
Spot treatment $100
Up to six spots
Vascular Lesions $115
Up to six lesions
Face skin rejuvenation $215
Package of 5 ------ $875
Face & neck skin rejuvenation $275
Package of 5 ------- $1100
Face skin resurfacing $325
Face and neck skin resurfacing $360
3 or more Session Package 15% Off